Why choose Hypnobirthing?

The Benefits of Hypnobirthing

For Mum

  • The Advantages of Hypnobirthing
  • Provides accurate pregnancy and birth information, emphasizing the body’s ability to birth comfortably, and releasing fears that can lead to tension and discomfort.
  • Effective relaxation techniques allow women to give birth as nature intended: without suffering. Some women have painless births using the relaxation and breathing exercises, although Hypnobirthing doesn’t promise pain-free birthing.
  • Hypnbirthing skills allow you to stay calm and focused should your birthing take an unexpected turn. It helps you to visualize and create the best possible outcome for you and your baby.
  • The deep relaxation of Hypnobirthing leads to shorter, easier labours with fewer complications.
  • Greatly reduces the need for interventions like pitocin, anesthesia, and surgical birth.
  • Hypnobirthing helps parents bond with their growing child during pregnancy, which can help to reduce the ‘baby-blues’ after the baby is born.
  • Hypnobirthing mums are both deeply relaxed and completely present and aware during birth.
  • It helps to preserve the intimate, quiet atmosphere that is most conducive to a gentle birth experience.

For Dad/Birth Companion

  • Gives a positive role to play during pregnancy and labour
  • Empowers birth partners to advocate for the birthing mum, allowing the mum to remain relaxed and focused
  • Birth partners learn how to support themum with relaxation techniques
  • Birth partners learn a gentle massage technique to aid relaxation for the mum
  • The information gained helps them to feel educated and in control

For Baby

  • A gentle birth for mum is also a gentle birth for baby
  • Hypnobirthing babies tend to have higher Apgar scores, even in the event of special circumstances
  • A calm birth improves sleeping and feeding in new born babies
  • Babies are calm and content