Jack’s water birth in the MLU

I have used Hypnobirthing for both of my pregnancies and births and would highly recommended it to anyone. I have been to Sandra at East Yorkshire HypnoBirthing & Fertility Practice both times.

The course gives you all the information you need to understand what your body is doing and the options you have so you can make informed decisions about your care. Practising the relaxation tracks everyday helped me during pregnancy both times and have helped me with relaxation other times as well. This time my daughter did the tracks with me and would often fall asleep before the end.

I had been hoping for a home birth but when I went I started to have regular contractions I was informed that they were too short staffed to send anyone so I needed to come in.

In the midwife led unit I was able to use a shower and I had a massage sat on a birthing ball to help me in the early stages of labour, I listened to the magic carpet relaxation on repeat. My labour progressed quickly and soon I was ready to get into the birthing pool. Being in the water really helped, especially when things became more intense and it was harder to relax between contractions.

We had written a birthing plan and this was great because our midwife knew what we were trying to achieve, gave us the space to do what made us comfortable but she was there when we needed support.

My waters broke at 11:15, I listened to my body and knew that with every contraction I needed to push. I’d got myself into a kneeling position in the water, so gravity helped. My son was born 5 contractions later at 11:38pm, in water. I’d had an episiotomy the first time (when I wasn’t able to have a water birth) but this time I didn’t even need any stitches.

Yes there was some screaming and loud cursing during the final stages of my baby being born but I was able to give birth using water as my only pain relief. I have generalised anxiety disorder and apart from during transition ,when I did doubt myself, I was able to remain calm and in control during labour. I credit this to Hypnobirthing and to the support I received from my husband and the midwife that looked after me.

My first birth wasn’t what I wanted but this birth was an amazing experience and a happy memory I will cherish.





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