Tommy’s birth was my third. I had done hypnobirthing with Sandra for my second and decided to do the course again with my partner Martin for our baby (his first.)
We started the course in time to give us a few weeks to practise afterwards. Sandra shared materials so that we could practise relaxation most evenings. It was a wonderful way to relax in our final weeks of pregnancy and often sent me to sleep! We used candles, music and oils to ensure these were familiar at birth.
We went 10 days overdue with Tommy. With Sandra’s knowledge and support, we could make informed choices on induction. We went into labour naturally and my body was fully ready for labour. I found the birth affirmations particularly useful in reminding us that baby would come when he was ready and that my body was capable of birthing him naturally. We knew labour would most likely be quite quick and I felt the surges develop quite quickly as I laboured at home. Within 2 hours we were at hospital in the MLU. I was able to get into the birthing pool and the unit was well equipped to support hypnobirthing.
Unfortunately, following a bleed we had to move to the labour ward, however the midwife from the MLU came with us. At all times, my partner could help us to make informed choices on care and we had a natural birth using only gas and air for pain relief. The midwife was great at keeping to our birth plan too. Tommy was born weighing 10lb 11oz 4 hours after we arrived at the hospital! Sandra had taught us about perineum massage and I truly think that helped me to not need any stitches after only a minor tear.
It wasn’t the water birth we had written on the birth plan. However, hypnobirthing helped us stay in control for the majority of the time. After Tommy was born, we were given low lighting,
lots of skin to skin and breastfeeding was established quickly. He was born so calm and relaxed and it was a lovely time for us all to bond. I’m truly at peace with the birth we had and think without hypnobirthing it probably would have been very different!