My birth was really positive and I’m so so glad that we found Sandra through one of my friends that had done the course with her too.
On Saturday 26th November I began getting mild surges every 8-10 minutes when we were eating dinner around 6pm, we thought nothing of it as we wasn’t expecting her for a few more weeks. These continued very mild until we went to bed and by 11pm they were every 5 minutes but still were very manageable using the breathing techniques I’d learnt.
I called the midwife and woke up my partner at 1am as they were 3 minutes apart and starting to get quite strong (this was the first point I actually believed this was really happening!) we were advised to stay at home for a bit longer but half an hour later I decided we needed to head to the hospital and was there by 2:15am. The midwife checked me before going into the MLU and I was 4cm which really surprised me as I was expecting her to tell me it was false Labour. Me and my partner were so shocked because it was nothing like we expected, thanks to the hypnobirthing techniques I was still so calm.
I got in the pool around 3am and it was so relaxing. The room was amazing, fairy lights, relaxing music, dimmed lights everything was perfect.
I continued with my breathing techniques through the stages, my partner and the midwives were so supportive when I started to panic in the transition stage.
Around 9am I started to push and listened to my body, her head was born around an hour later in the pool but due to her heart rate not rising between surges the midwives decided it would be best for me to get out the pool incase of any problems, her body was born two pushes later with absolutely no problems at 10:11am.
The whole Labour progressed faster than expected but we are both so thankful we went in with the knowledge and confidence that this course gave us and I have no doubt I with be using my hypnobirthing techniques again and again (probably at the dentist haha!)
The knowledge that Sandra gave us not only about birth but about the body and what to expect put us both at ease throughout and even when she had been born. My birth was so positive and we talk about how incredible it was all the time, I wouldn’t have been able to do it without hypnobirthing.