My birth was really positive and I’m so so glad that we found Sandra through one of my friends that had done the course with her too. On Saturday 26th November I began getting mild surges every 8-10 minutes when we were eating dinner around 6pm, we thought nothing of it as we wasn’t expecting her for a few …
Terri’s birth story
After having no idea what Kind of birth I wanted a friend who was also pregnant suggested hypnobirthing. I went along to a taster session with Sandra and straight away felt so much happier about everything and the whole idea of giving birth. A water birth had never crossed my mind. But after watching some videos of them With Sandra, …
Hollie & Richard, 1st baby born at home
Just wanted to share my hypnobirthing experience in the hope that it might encourage more expectant parents to opt for it. Having had a previous history of anxiety, depression and panic attacks I was looking for something to help reduce any risk of complications during and after birth. I had started off with weekly Yogabellies classes that I felt I …
Our Birth story by Rachael, Dylan & Noah
I was very nervous about being pregnant, labour and childbirth, so I felt I needed to be as prepared as possible. I also wanted to have some control over a situation I wasn’t sure it was possible to have control over. HypnoBirthing taught me more than how to have a relaxed birth; it allowed me to relax throughout my pregnancy …