When we first found out we were going to have a baby, we were so excited and happy. I had heard a little about Hypnobirthing and was over the moon when my Auntie Wendy gifted me the course to help me to have a natural labour. As we live in Kent, we did the sessions over zoom. At this point I had no idea how amazing Hypnobirthing was and how in control of my labour and birth that it would make me.
After starting the course, we realised we had so many options and decisions to make. We knew we wanted a natural birth and to birth in water. We were advised by Sandra to look into the different options on places to birth and to check things like induction rates and C Sect. Rates. With this in mind we looked for an alternative to our local hospital after been told by a lot of friends that their pregnancy had ended up in an emergency C Sect after being induced. The induction rate in our local hospital was 46% !!! We found a birth centre and self referred and had our care transferred.
When I hit my due date I wanted to try a natural method to get things moving so I had a cold bath on the Tuesday morning and my surges started. I went about my day as normal. For example I did a bit of shopping, washing etc as the surges were about an hour apart. By 11pm I was having 3 surges in ten minutes so Ash decided to ring the birth centre at this point. They said to go in. I was using the breathing techniques that Sandra had taught us through hypnobirthing and these worked well. I also used a TENS machine for a little while but by 6am I felt like I needed a different form of pain relief. So I got in the birthing pool and used the gas and air. At 11am my waters went and I gave birth within the hour. Ash witnessed the baby’s head crowning and our little boy was born.
Throughout the labour we listened to our music, used positive affirmations and the breathing techniques. We were also supported by my Auntie Wendy, who is an amazing homeopath. Throughout my pregnancy she had suggested remedies when needed and she was on hand to guide my husband Ash telling him what remedies to give me at what stage of labour and for what emotions I was feeling at each stage. I have also used homeopathy in my recovery and for encouraging milk production. The one thing I didn’t like in labour was the light touch massage, I just didn’t want to be touched, it was great in pregnancy though and I really enjoyed it and found it useful then. The lights were lovely and dim which meant it was perfect for when Hugo was born, he was so chilled and didn’t cry because he’d had such calm relaxed birth. The midwives even said they could tell Id done Hypnobirthing because I was so calm and in control throughout the whole of my labour
I’d used stretch mark oil from the moment I fell pregnant and I used perineum oil from week 34. I didn’t tear or need stitches. I just had a slight graze. We also opted for delayed cord clamping to allow all the oxygen and nutrients to get to Hugo before they cut it.
We can’t thank Sandra enough for everything she taught us xxxx