My story was probably quite different to most of HypnoBirthing stories. I always believed that my body is capable of doing what nature intended. However, I was also aware that we don’t live in a society where one naturally comes across opportunities to observe birth, breastfeeding etc and as a society we have fell out of touch with those natural processes. These things became unknown, scary, and inappropriate or taboo. I was looking for support and reassurance that I CAN do it all on my own, the natural way!
HypnoBirthing became an obvious choice and after meeting Sandra there were no doubts anymore.
My husband and I undertook the course which was very informative. It definitely opened our eyes to numerous amounts of new information and in some cases drastically changed our opinions. We did the recommended reading and I practised relaxation every day. So far, my story was not much different from others.
One day I had an appointment with a midwife. That day I was 36 weeks and 3 days. I was hit by the word preeclampsia. Unexpectedly! Out of blue! I was taken into hospital that very evening and had an emergency caesarean the next morning. Our daughter Vivienne was born. One might think that our time and money spent on HypnoBirthing were wasted, as we were not able to put it all into practise. We would argue otherwise. Only thanks to preparation which HypnoBirthing and lovely Sandra offered we were able to stay calm through everything. Once taken into operating theatre, my husband took me through the colours of the rainbow while my spinal was administered. We felt welcomed to telephone Sandra before the caesarean took place for more advice which she happily offered.
Yes, the truth is that I imagined my birthing experience to be very different from how it has actually happened, but the knowledge I have acquired on the HypnoBirthing course will stay with me and hopefully will be used next time… because there will be a next time
Nowadays, my daughter Vivienne and I enjoy being part of HypnoBirthing community which meets regularly for a chat, advice and fun. And Sandra is like a fantastic godmother to all “her” HypnoBirthing children.
Dear Sandra, thank you for everything.